IdeaChain is designed to improve reading (and listening) comprehension.
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IdeaChain is a product of MindPrime, Inc.

Client / Teacher Support
Hello, and welcome to the Client / Teacher Support Gateway. We're glad to have you! Our goal is to give you superior, ongoing, interactive support in the use of MindPrime's IdeaChain program.

To use this area, you must be an existing MindPrime client and have an assigned ID number. If you do not have an ID number, please contact us to get one.

If you are a parent or teacher of a student involved in the IdeaChain program, then enter your password below to enter our Client or Teacher Support Center.

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Copyright 1999-2003, MindPrime Inc.
800-460-8484      401 Franklin Avenue, Waco,TX, 76701-2127    
MindPrime and IdeaChain are registered trademarks of MindPrime, Inc.